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Some of the big-ticket construction projects from 2018

Some of the big-ticket items for 2018 include the Highway 400 overpass from Harvie to Big Bay Point, as well as a new wastewater pumping station
2019-01-14 Construction 3 RB
Heavy equipment is silhouetted against the sun where a bridge is being built over Highway 400 connecting Harvie Road and Big Bay Point Road on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

City councillors have received a memo from the engineering department in Monday night's city council package updating them on various construction undertaken in 2018 around Barrie. 

Some of the main projects include: 

-- Harvie Road and Big Bay Point – New Highway 400 crossing – $46 million

-- Bayfield Street pavement rehabilitation – $1.7 million

-- Mapleview Drive East improvements (Country Lane to Madelaine Drive) – $5 million

-- Holly wastewater pump station – Expansion and upgrade – $6.6 million

-- Mapleview Drive West and County Road 27 sanitary forcemain and watermain – $3 million

-- Morrow Road reconstruction – $3.5 million

-- Duckworth Street improvements – $2.8 million

-- Dunlop Street – Tiffin Street – Miller Drive work – $3.5 million. 

The values represent the general construction contract amount, rounded to nearest hundred thousand, and would be associated to the whole contract. Therefore, it wouldn’t necessarily be 2018 spending, as some of them are multi-year contracts.