INNISFIL - It all came from an idea floated at a meeting of the working group for the South Simcoe Police's 20th Anniversary celebration. It was suggested that a mounted unit would be a nice addition, in a ceremonial capacity, of course.
Now, with the assistance of Jan Humphrey from Briarwood Farm in King Township, South Simcoe Police are in the saddle. Two horses are owned by Briarwood Farm and provided to South Simcoe Police at a minimal cost. Generous sponsors within the community have stepped up to cover the cost of the unit for 2017.
"As an agency, we realized the potential of the horses", said Staff Sergeant Steve Wilson. "They are a great tool for us to engage with our communities."
Four interested members of the service were identified, then assessed and trained in handling and riding the horses. All of the candidates have previous riding experience.
"The Unit is ceremonial, not operational", said Wilson. "Look for them next at our Open House on May 13, at both the North Division in Innisfil and the South Division in Bradford."
The Mounted Unit made their debut at Innisfil Town Hall on Tuesday, Apr. 18, as Chief Andrew Fletcher assumed command from retiring Chief Rick Beazley. The pilot project will be assessed over the year, with a possibility of extending them to events over the next few years.