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Springwater water meter replacement program begins in Midhurst

New system will improve the efficiency of the meter reading process through the installation of new radio frequency meters
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SPRINGWATER TOWNSHIP – The Township of Springwater is undertaking a water meter replacement program to update the Township’s water meters and meter reading technologies.

The new system will improve the efficiency of the meter reading process through the installation of new radio frequency meters. When the installation process is complete, the need for Township staff to enter homes, businesses or properties to obtain meter reads will be minimized.

A water meter is required on every property in the Township of Springwater that receives water from the Township. The water meter replacement program is mandatory.

In order to complete the program as efficiently as possible, areas of the Township will be targeted.

When an area/community is substantially complete, the program will move on to the next area/community, until the entire municipality has been covered. The program is currently targeting the Midhurst area.

The Township of Springwater has awarded the contract for the Water Meter Replacement Program to WAMCO Municipal Products. All meter installers will have a Township of Springwater photo ID card identifying themselves as contractors working for WAMCO.

Installers will also have WAMCO hats and shirts and arrive in a vehicle with the Township of Springwater logo. Every water meter installer has received the training and certification necessary to perform water meter installations within the Province of Ontario.

Additional information on the water meter replacement program is available at
