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The Snowbirds are coming

Happy Canada 150 Barrie

Get ready for an aerial acrobatic kick-off to Barrie's Canada 150 celebrations this summer.

The city revealed this morning that the Snowbirds will fly into town on June 28 to put on a show over Kempenfelt Bay.

Snowbird 10 Pilot Capt. Blake McNaughton and Snowbird 11 Capt. Paul Faulkner flew into Lake Simcoe Regional Airport to make the announcement.

"On this special celebration we're all putting on our party hats and it's gonna be a blast," said McNaughton.

Spectators will get to watch a spectacular display from the iconic team leading into Downtown Barrie's Promenade Days and the City's annual Canada Day event on July 1.

"They're going to see quite the show," said McNaughton.

"If you look up into the sky you're going to see nine jets performing over your beautiful lakefront and also if you look down hopefully you'll see a big, big smile on your children's faces," said Faulkner.

The highly skilled pilots are promising some special maneuvers for the Barrie show.

"With our tie-in to the city's 150 Canada celebrations, we are going to have a very special show to celebrate that monumental occasion," said McNaughton. "You're going have to come check us out."

City officials are calling it the perfect way to kick off Barrie's Canada 150 celebrations. 

The event is being put on in partnership with Base Borden with support from Georgian International.

 "It is really exciting," said Arin Donnelly, City of Barrie Community Events Coordinator. "We haven't had the Snowbirds in Barrie since early 2000s so it's been at least well over ten years and they're going to do an amazing show over Kempenfelt Bay."

Both pilots are thrilled to be with the Canadian Forces crack flying team for Canada's special birthday.

Their passion for flying is equalled by the joy and privilege of inspiring others, especially youth.

Although they say children most often ask how do you get to be a Snowbird.

"For me, we saw air shows when we were little and that inspired us to get where we are so I want to return the favour to the youth and make sure they can experience a great life like we have as well," said Faulkner.

The flying is everything you could hope for and more according to McNaughton.

"It's magical. It's a rush. There's a sense of freedom that is almost indescribable," McNaughton.