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The turtle and the Subaru

Steven Kell is studying turtles and Barrie Subaru stepped in to help
2018-04-27 Turtle research vehicle
Photo provided

Turtles in Ontario are in danger and a Barrie car dealership is doing its part to change that.

Of the eight species in the province, seven are at risk whether it be from poaching for the pet trade, the illegal food market, habitat loss or road mortality.

Steven Kell, a New Lowell resident, is working on his Masters degree through Laurentian University studying the effect of roads on the turtle population. He is doing the research in Algonquin Park where there are eight different wetlands along the main highway and another eight well away from road activity.

Kell reached out for support from Barrie Subaru which offered a vehicle from May to September including gas money and a CAA membership.

“They stepped up big time. I really needed a reliable four wheel drive vehicle to get around deep in the park so this vehicle is perfect. The dealership felt that Subaru drivers are often outdoorsy and adventurous so this project fit the brand,” explains Kell.

The car has been decked out in turtle graphics to make it stand out.

Kell explains: “My research will focus on how roads impact the turtle population – whether they are run over or affected by pollution, chemicals, noise or stress. If my paper is published, it can be used by organizations and governments to come up with mitigating measures like barrier fencing or underpasses.”

As we head into the summer months, Kell offers this bit of conservation advice.

"If you encounter a turtle on the road, help it across the road in the direction it was heading and if you need to pick it up, do so by the shell."

If you come upon an injured turtle there, are places to contact to seek help, including Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, Scales Nature Park and Algonquin Wildlife Research Station.

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About the Author: Wendy King

Wendy King writes about all kinds of things from nutrition to the job search from cats to clowns — anything and everything — from the ridiculous to the sublime. Watch for Wendy's column weekly.
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