Eight candidates are refusing to attend tomorrow's all candidates debate for the Ward 7 by-election.
In a letter to the event host Barrie and District Labour Council, Andrew Prince, Gary Harvey, Mike Montague, Craig Ripley, Randy Starr, Elena Arruda, Darren Roskam and Jim Hosick say they will not attend.
Those who signed the letter question the "neutrality" and timing of the debate since voting has already begun.
"A supporter for one of the candidates revealed through social media that they were given prior knowledge of this debate," the letter states.
"The level of affiliation with the two parties hosting the debate by one of the candidates would likely be deemed a conflict of interest within the practice of municipal law in Ontario."
The debate will be held Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Simcoe County Elementary Teachers' Federation offices in south-Barrie, 351 King St., Unit 1.
Candidates refusing to attend say “information promised by the debate hosts has not been shared with the candidates and questions asked of the hosts by some candidates have gone unanswered."