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Ward 9 candidate vows to bring 'unique perspective' to city hall

William Rome says he would use his background in finance to 'look at some of the issues of affordability' and make housing for affordable
William Rome is a Ward 9 candidate in Barrie.

Editor's note: BarrieToday is running profile stories on candidates for city council in each of the city's 10 wards. For more election coverage, visit our 2022 municipal election page by clicking here, where you can also find mayoral profiles and other election news. 

Well travelled at age 33, William Rome has set his sights on becoming a Ward 9 councillor in the Oct. 24 municipal election.

“I think I could represent both the older residents of the city and the newcomers because I have travelled (the world),” he said. “I have experience from a unique perspective.

“And my background is in finance, so I’d like to look at some of the issues of affordability and see how we can explore strategies to make housing for homeowners and renters more affordable.”

Rome, who works for a major financial institution, says he’s been all over the world but is grounded in Barrie where he’s lived for 22 years. 

He went to elementary and secondary school here, followed by Laurentian University at Georgian College in Barrie.

Rome said he has no political experience, running for elected office or serving.

“I would like to stress that I am not a politician,” he said. “Ever since I graduated I have worked. I’m not connected to anybody and I would address issues as they came up.”

Affordability and safety would be two of his priorities if elected.

“I believe Barrie police, fire and paramedics have done a great job and I would like them to continue,” he said. “I always like people to feel safe. Ward 9, when I was living here as a child, we never locked the door. It was always a very safe neighbourhood.

“I believe people should always feel safe in their home and in their community.” 

But Rome says rising interest rates are a concern in terms of general affordability.

“I would like to work with whoever is elected mayor and the other councillors to address the issue of affordability, because I believe there’s going to be tough times ahead,” he said. 

“I would like to look at what the city’s expenditures are and what is necessary and what’s not,” Rome said, “and I do believe property taxes, that’s my big issue in the city, and I think that’s not going to come under control for a while.

“But services can’t be cut, emergency services. The water has to be drinkable.”

Rome said he’d make sure, if elected, that Ward 9 residents get the information they need to understand what’s happening at city hall. 

“I would like it (council) to be a bit more transparent,” he said. “I would like issues, the community to be notified of changes and what council is doing throughout these four years, not just during election time. I would like it to be transparent. I’d like residents to know what’s going on.

“I would like to stay in touch,” Rome said. “I know everyone on my street, in my neighbourhood. I speak to most people at least on a weekly basis, just if I see them out and I would touch base that way, because I think it’s more personal.”

Rome's opponents in the Ward 9 election are incumbent Sergio Morales and Norman Costello.

Nominations close Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 p.m. for the city election, which will elect the next mayor, 10 city councillors and school board trustees.

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