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We surprise Louise, a selfless volunteer deserving of recognition

Louise Ferry is known as a ‘kind, giving soul’ in the Barrie community
BarrieToday surprised Louise Ferry with a Random Act of Kindness / Photo supplied

Louise Ferry is an outstanding member of the Barrie community. She is known for working tirelessly to support families in need and reaching out to help wherever it is needed. 

Louise has been working to combat food insecurity in our community through a number of food delivery programs. She ran a breakfast program at Cundles Heights Public School until the COVID-19 pandemic, which she then pivoted into a breakfast program at Barrie Free Methodist Church, allowing her to continue providing cereals, snacks and other breakfast foods to the families who were a part of the program. 

She is also actively involved in Barrie Families Unite, a non-profit organization that ensures everyone in the community has access to essential needs. Louise supervises their Good Food Box program, where families in need receive bags of fresh fruits and vegetables once a month. 

This hard work often goes without any recognition. 

BarrieToday was thrilled to surprise Louise with a Random Act of Kindness to represent the community’s gratitude for her efforts. 

Louise was shocked when she saw our team show up at Homestead Artisan Bakery, where she was expecting to attend a get-together with her Barrie Families Unite team.

“I was blown away. It was a very sweet thought and very unexpected,” Louise said of the surprise. 

“When the BarrieToday crew arrived, she was totally stunned,” said Marina Johnson, who nominated Louise for the surprise. “Her face lit up when she saw the gifts.”

“Louise is a very modest and humble person. What she does, she does because she has strong values when it comes to helping those in need in our community. She doesn’t do it for recognition, personal gain or gratitude,” Marina added.

Louise encourages others to also volunteer and lend a hand to those in need.

“I live by the expression ‘you have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you’,” she shared. 

Thank you to our generous co-sponsors, Barrie Flowers 649 and Theatre Collingwood, for making this Random Act of Kindness possible.

BarrieToday is proud to make a difference in our community by highlighting extraordinary individuals and organizations with our Random Acts of Kindness, a foundational piece of our BarrieToday Cares program

The BarrieToday Cares team's mission is to create meaningful change in Barrie - and inspire others to do the same.