The climate is changing. It is time for us to change, too.
It’s hard to stay positive when the state of the world has never seemed so bleak. The news is filled with reports of massive wildfires, melting glaciers, record floods and droughts, and evidence that this global pandemic is linked to climate change. The year 2020 was the hottest on record. Scientists agree that we need to take more action now if we have any chance of stopping the worst effects of climate change.
These are pretty dire warnings, so why aren’t we doing more?
One reason might be that here in Barrie we have been buffered from the worst of it due to our fortunate geography and global economic position. Climate change effects are just not being felt here day-to-day. Because of this, it appears to be someone else’s problem.
Of course, this apathetic “don’t care” attitude is problematic on moral grounds alone. We owe it to the rest of the world now, and to our future kids and grandkids, to ensure they have a world to look forward to.
Climate change denial has been debunked by all credible scientists. But what about climate despair; that feeling that no matter what we do “we’re screwed anyway”. In the fight against climate change should we just admit defeat?
Just because the problem is big, it doesn't mean we should give up. There are things we can do that will make a difference. Most climate scientists agree that we have not yet reached the point of no return. Soon, but not yet.
So how do we fight against apathy or despair? Through hope and action. Even a minor change in what you buy, eat, or do on a daily basis adds to the collective result. Do not underestimate the impact that leading by example has on your friends and family.
There is bravery in finding hope in facing the climate crisis and moving toward an equitable low-carbon world. The year 2021 needs to be our year of action.
Living Green Barrie wants to help you make changes in your life to reduce your own personal carbon footprint while encouraging policy makers to act for the good of the planet. In 2021, Living Green’s 30th anniversary year, Barrie’s environmental charity will be hosting monthly themed events on attainable solutions to climate change. Things you can actually do.
Here are Living Green’s top 10 actions Barrie citizens can do to fight climate change:
- BE HOPEFUL. Start by joining Living Green’s free screening of the optimistic documentary “2040” at the end of February.
- INVEST IN GREEN. Learn more by joining Living Green’s free webinar “Introduction to Green Investments” on March 25.
- REDUCE WASTE. Commit to Earth Day in April by taking responsibility for all the things (plastic, food, water, emails, etc.) we let into our lives.
- PLANT TREES. Join a Living Green community tree planting event this May, or donate to the 10,000 Trees For Barrie Campaign.
- ENGAGE. Vote, lobby, protest, learn and share.
- TREAD LIGHTLY. Drive less and fly less. Bike, walk, make the switch to electric or use public transit.
- POWER DOWN. Be energy efficient in both hot and cold seasons.
- EAT MORE PLANTS. eating less animal products. Enjoy the bounty of September’s local gardens.
- PLANT EVEN MORE TREES. Plant a tree in your yard or join an October community tree planting event.
- BUY LESS STUFF. In November, it’s quality over quantity.
Finally, be proud that you chose action and hope over apathy and despair. Know that you are making a difference towards a positive future.
Visit to find out about monthly events. Be sure to sign up for your free viewing of 2040; an upbeat, optimistic story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming. It is a positive vision of what ‘could be’, instead of the dystopian future so often presented. This family-friendly film will be available to watch for free from the comfort of your home from Feb. 22 to 28.