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Woohoo Fouz!

Orillia Secondary School student named to Minister’s Student Advisory Council for 2017-18
Fouz Ul-Mubeen



​Each year, the Ontario Minister of Education selects approximately 60 students from across the province to sit on the Minister’s Student Advisory Council (MSAC).

The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is proud to announce that Fouz Ul-Mubeen, currently a Grade 9 student at Orillia Secondary School has been named to the MSAC for the 2017-18 school year. 

“It is a great accomplishment to be named to the MSAC,” says SCDSB Superintendent of Education Paula Murphy. “Fouz will act as a strong advocate on behalf of students in the SCDSB and across the province in his new role.” 

Ul-Mubeen was selected from more than 480 applicants. 

“I applied to make sure that our student voice was heard by the Minister, to hear from other students across the province, and to try to make Ontario schools better for all students,” said Ul-Mubeen. 

The members of the MSAC are selected from applicants across Ontario in Grades 7-12. They meet with the Minister of Education approximately twice a year, and share ideas and provide advice on a variety of topics related to Ontario’s publicly-funded education system.

More information about the MSAC is available on the Ministry of Education website.
