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January 29, 1964 - September 4, 2024

David, a man of super-human strength and an even stronger pain threshold, lost his hard-fought battle with pneumonia after a courageous seven-year fight against cancer.

David was a source of joy and fun. He never asked for help but was always the first to offer it. He kept his feelings deep inside but always asked how everyone else was doing.

Known affectionately as “McGyver” for his ability to fix almost anything, David’s resourceful use of duct tape was legendary. Nicknames were a big part of the Wylie experience, and Dave’s high school teachers even thought his real name was Floyd.

His cottage was his passion and happy place, where he could putter and fix things, sit by the fire, entertain on his deck with a few beers, listen to the sounds of the river and the loons on the lake at Wylie World. Likely with some music going – Tragically Hip, Rush, Phil Collins and his beloved country music.

David loved to cook and try new things on the BBQ. He claimed to be the Family Rib-off champion, a title the family reluctantly agrees was true.

A lifelong Maple Leafs and Bills fan, optimistic that this would finally be the year.

He was a devoted father, coaching his daughter Erin’s hockey teams and fixing her cars, and was immensely proud of his son Shaun joining the OPP police force.

Dave loved movies and could recite lines from “The Flintstones” (The Barney Copter), “Star Trek” (“I am for you, McCoy”), “Monty Python” (“Oh sir,…its only wafer thin”) and “Bugs Bunny” (Abraca-pocus).

He had a legion of friends and was a loyal and true friend, always making everyone feel welcome and included. He was always the first to try something new with his familiar “sure,” which sounded a lot like “shhhhiuuurrrrrrr.”

Dave loved his job and was proud of his work at Prodomax in Barrie, where he showcased his supreme “Mr. Logistics” skills, keeping many balls in the air and

things running smoothly in a complex and changing environment. He had immense respect for his team and his many vendor relationships.

David leaves behind his precious mom, Barbara, and joins his dad, John, who passed away in 2019.  He is right now having a Jameson with his Dad and getting ready to laugh since he had all the punch lines memorized for John’s jokes.

He leaves a gaping hole for his big brothers, Brad and Bob, and his sisters-in-law, Lesley “Unca” and Kathy. Cindy, David’s ex-wife, has remained a friend and huge support for Dave.

His sweet and cherished little dog, Harley, his shadow, will miss him dearly and all the endless games of fetch they would play together.

In recent years, Dave reconnected with his high school crush, Sylvie. They were a cute and loving couple with many plans to retire together – Sylvie and “Charlie,” as she called him – to play with their dogs and enjoy life. Such a sad change of events.

Most of all, he will be deeply missed by his adored and adoring children, Shaun and Erin. They were his world, best friends, confidantes, and supporters. They have witnessed the trauma and pain that cancer brought to their family, showing maturity and empathy beyond their years.

Incredible thanks to the medical team at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre in Barrie, especially the brilliant and compassionate team in the ICU, who tried every magic potion and trick available to help David while kindly dealing with his large fan club.

Thank you to everyone who offered support, a shoulder, a box of tissues, all the food and so much love during this sad and terrible time.

Our Dave had so many dreams and plans with Shaun and Erin that were put on hold because of his previous battles with cancer and our time of COVID.  We kindly invite you to join Dave’s community in making a donation to allow Dave to deliver on those dreams – we know Dave will be with them in spirit every step of the way.  Your contribution will help bring Dave’s dreams to life.

Memories and Condolences