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Woman caught doing 99 in school zone during back-to-school blitz; fined $718

South Simcoe police lay numerous charges for a variety of offences including speeding, distracted driving and illegal parking
20151230 South Simcoe Police KA 01
File photo. Kenneth Armstrong/Village Media

During the first week of our Back To School Traffic Safety Campaign, officers laid a number of charges. Operation All Hands on Deck saw every available officer patrol school zones Monday to Friday during the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.

But our efforts went beyond school zones to include enhanced traffic enforcement across our communities. The goals were high visibility, enforcement and most importantly the safety of children as they attended classes for the new school year.

Numerous charges were laid for a variety of offences including speeding, distracted driving and illegal parking.

Here are some of the highlights:

62-year-old Newmarket woman charged with speeding after vehicle clocked at 99 km/hr in a posted 50 km/hr Community Safety Zone on 20th Sideroad in Innisfil. Fine: $718

50-year-old Whitby man's licence suspended for warn range caution and charged with speeding 77 km/hr in a posted 50 km/hr zone in Bradford.

42-year-old King Township man charged with insecure load on Holland St. West in Bradford after an officer stopped a utility trailer with an unsecured bobcat. Fine: $130

30-year-old Toronto woman charged with unsafe lane change after a vehicle trying to pass someone on County Road 4 in Innisfil drove directly into the path of a SSPS cruiser.

Five speeders charged in the first half hour of enforcement on day one of school outside Alcona Glen Public School on Innisfil Beach Road.

Wrong-way driver stopped on 7th Line in Innisfil.

We would like to thank all of our residents who did their part for road safety this week. By obeying speed limits, putting down the phone, driving sober and being considerate, we can work together to make a difference. Road safety is a shared responsibility. Operation All Hands On Deck continues next week.
