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‘The Big Bash’ takes over Barrie in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters

The Bash is back.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie & District is gearing up for The Big Bash 2024, an event that brings people together for a night of celebration, recognition, and support. 

Set to take place on Friday, October 18th, the Big Bash highlights the incredible impact of the organization’s mentorship programs while raising criticall funds to ensure that no child is left behind.

“The Big Bash is all about celebrating the passion and commitment of our volunteers and community partners,” says Bre LeFeuvre, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie & District

“With over 200 volunteers and support from more than 100 businesses, this event gives us the chance to say ‘thank you’ and to recognize the impact we’re making together.” 

The night will feature live music by Rough Draught – a homegrown cover band that will keep the crowd dancing; a cash bar, raffles, an auction, and plenty of snacks. 

But The Big Bash isn’t just about having fun. All funds raised will directly support the organization's mentorship programs, which have already served 289 youth in 2024 and aim to reach the goal of 500 youth annually.

The goal, LeFeuvre says, is to hit their annual fundraising target of $500,000 through corporate sponsorships, donations, and ticket sales for events like The Big Bash.

“Hitting that goal would allow us to fulfil the needs and demands we’re seeing for our services, help us to eliminate our current wait and enrolment lists, and allow us to expand programming across our region fully.”

These programs, LeFeuve says, are essential for helping young people who find themselves in vulnerable situations, facing challenges such as mental health issues, family violence, identity struggles, or poor living conditions. 

Without support, these youth are at risk of not reaching their full potential. However, with the guidance of a mentor, these risks can be mitigated, empowering them to achieve more — whether it’s higher incomes, happier lives, or contributing to their communities.

“We’re helping youth feel seen, heard, and loved—sometimes for the first time,” LeFeuve  says.  “Our mentors provide deep, meaningful relationships that directly impact mental health, self-esteem, and long-term success.”

Mentorship at Big Brothers Big Sisters is a two-way street, where the needs of the young person are always at the centre. These relationships offer more than just guidance – they provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where youth can confide, connect with broader experiences, and develop the confidence to overcome life’s adversities.

The impact of these programs on the community can’t be overstated. "I consistently hear impact stories from our mentors," LeFeuvre shared. "Things like, 'I never imagined how much this would impact me. I’ve learned so much from them, and they help me become better attached to myself and my community around me.'"

With the demand for mentorship services rising daily, Big Brothers Big Sisters Barrie & District is calling on the community to support their efforts by attending the event, signing up as mentors, or becoming monthly donors. 

For those who’ve attended The Big Bash before, the energy and passion in the room are palpable. 

“It’s inspiring to see a room full of people all passionate about the same cause,” LeFeuvre says. “They’re all working together for the betterment of others’ futures.”

Tickets are available now, so mark your calendars and get ready to join an evening of music, fun, and community impact. Whether you’re interested in purchasing event tickets or taking a chance with the WestJet Raffle, your support will make a lasting difference for local youth.

For more information on how to get involved, visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie & District website or follow them on Instagam and Facebook.

Reader Favourite

This article was sponsored by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie & District, a 2024 BarrieToday Reader Favourite.