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LETTER: Barrie traffic noise at 'unacceptable levels'

'As residents, and taxpayers, we have a right to live without these intrusions on our lives,' says letter writer
2022-03-22 Muffler
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

Traffic noise levels in Barrie are at unacceptable levels and they keep getting more intolerable.

It has become impossible to sit outside and carry on a conversation. Makes it hard to enjoy our summer weather. There are occasions where it is even impossible to have a conversation with windows and doors closed.

Drivers who refuse to put mufflers on their vehicles show no respect or consideration for anyone else. If they can’t be charged under the Highway Traffic Act, they should be charged with disturbing the peace.

As residents, and taxpayers, we have a right to live without these intrusions on our lives.

I’m sure my neighbours would call the police if I started blasting music at high decibel levels. One would think the police would show up and tell me to tone it down.

I don’t know why, but I don’t believe they are charging owners who drive without mufflers.

I have sent numerous complaints to the mayor, to no avail.

At one point, city hall created an ill-conceived program to deal with this issue. The Citizens on Patrol (COP) plan was to put civilians on street corners and have them record the licence plates of loud vehicles. They were supposed to pass this info on to the police who in turn would write a warning letter to the owners.

I don’t believe this led to an increase in business at Midas Muffler. 

Dave Cumming