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It’s no secret that many Ontarians are frustrated with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. However, it’s time we direct some of that outrage toward Premier Doug Ford, whose reckless spending habits are equally deserving of scrutiny.
While our education system struggles and students face larger class sizes, fewer resources and crumbling school infrastructure, Premier Ford has chosen to prioritize bringing alcohol to your local Circle K store. Is this really the best use of our hard-earned tax dollars?
After six years in power, Doug Ford and the Conservatives have made it abundantly clear they are not in it for the real people of Ontario. Instead of addressing the pressing needs of families, workers, and students, Ford’s government has consistently funnelled public money into initiatives that benefit his friends and insiders, leaving everyday Ontarians to bear the brunt of these misguided priorities.
Doug Ford’s focus on expanding alcohol availability is yet another example of his government’s lack of vision for Ontario’s future. While the premier brags about this so-called “win,” schools remain underfunded, hospitals are stretched to their limits, and families are struggling to keep up with rising costs. These are the issues that matter to Ontarians, not whether they can pick up a six-pack at their local convenience store.
We deserve better. Ontarians deserve leaders who will invest in the services we rely on — education, health care and infrastructure — not ones who prioritize their wealthy friends and donors.
It’s time to hold Premier Ford accountable for his choices and demand a government that works for the people, not against them.
Kyle Tilley