Street sweeping is underway in the City of Barrie. Street sweeping happens every spring to clear our roads and protect our pathways from the leftovers of winter. The street sweeping schedule follows the City's Source Water Protection plan, which requires crews to prioritize street sweeping the roadways in the City’s drinking water protection areas, then moving outward.
Sweeping takes approximately 10 weeks to complete, weather permitting. Spring street sweeping improves water quality and the environment by removing pollutants that can be transferred to downstream water bodies through urban runoff through the storm sewer system. The Street Sweeping Program also improves the cleanliness and aesthetics of City streets and municipal parking lots.
Last year, the City collected 2400 tonnes of sand and most of it was able to be reused this winter on City streets. By recycling the sand, the City avoided more than $250,000 in costs, while also not taking up valuable space at the City’s Landfill.
“We are always looking for new ways of providing safe driving conditions that are more environmentally and economically sustainable,” said Dave Friary, Director of Roads, Parks and Fleet “This is a great example of staff taking initiative to come up with ideas to improve efficiencies.”
Street sweeping is expected to complete by mid-June. For more information, visit