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Surka wins 'Why I Love Barrie' essay contest

Essay submitted for Coun. Mike McCann's 'Why I Love Barrie' contest in Ward 10

Barrie is undoubtedly a four-seasons city and Liam Surka’s contest-winning essay encapsulated what it’s like to grow up along the shores of Kempenfelt Bay.

Surka was named the winner of Ward 10 Coun. Mike McCann’s second-annual 'Why I Love Barrie' essay contest.

His 350-word essay landed his family tickets to a Barrie Colts, where his essay was read to the audience, as well as dinner at Cicco’s Ristorante on Prince William Way in the south-end ward.

The youngster was invited to read his essay detailing his favourite things about “the city I call home” to councillors, city staff and the audience at city hall, Monday night.

“Barrie is an amazing city, from sports teams to beaches and the Wibit,” wrote Surka to open his essay, touching on the massive inflatable water park which is brought out at Centennial Beach during the humid summer months.

But first and foremost, the city’s bike trails beckon Surka.

“When my friends and I are bored over the spring and summer months, we can just get on our bikes and go on the trails to what feels like our own little private beach: Wilkins Beach,” Surka said.

Following Surka’s reading, Mayor Jeff Lehman also hearkened back to his childhood days, growing up in the city’s Allandale Heights area.

“There’s no better way to see the city than from a BMX bike,” the mayor said.

But it doesn’t end there for Surka. There’s also the ice-cream stand at Centennial Beach, a favourite haunt to cool off after a long, hot summer day.

“Barrie is located on Lake Simcoe, which is an amazing spot to go sailing, rowing, paddle-boarding, boating tubing and water-skiing,” Surka said. “It’s a perfect place to fish in the warmer months and ice-fish in the winter. The lake has some of the biggest fish I have ever seen.”

Surka’s essay also touched on Kempenfest and the hundreds of artisans lining the lakeshore, to Canada Day kids runs.

In the winter, there’s also plenty to do in the area.

“One of my favourite things to do in the winter is go tubing at Snow Valley,” Surka said, adding Winterfest at Heritage Park is also a great way to get families out of house in February to enjoy a myriad of events.

Over the winter months, the city turns pickleball courts into hockey rinks where Surka and his friends can grab their sticks and off they go.

Surka is also a big fan of the OHL Colts, but he also called the Barrie Minor Hockey Association “the best league in the world. The Barrie teams always go so far in the playoffs.”

McCann, 42, said there was a Warren Buffett quote that he wishes he had heard when he was younger. In essence, Buffett said investing in yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make.

“I wish I had that wisdom when I was a kid,” McCann said.

The essay contest was open to students who live in or attend school in Ward 10 in the south end, but McCann says he hopes to expand the contest to the entire city next year.