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Second tribunal date for Barrie cop also put off until September

Similar to Tuesday's conference call, defence team needs time to review 'fairly substantial' amount of information
Barrie police Insp. Val Gates is facing two counts of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act.

A second tribunal hearing in as many days for a high-ranking Barrie police officer has been adjourned until September so her lawyers can review disclosure material.

Insp. Valarie Gates is facing two charges of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act, both stemming from the same on-duty, internal incident.

A conference call was held this morning to address the second charge, which was laid in June, according to police officials, but has been adjourned until Thursday, Sept. 12 at 8:30 a.m. via teleconference so the defence team can review disclosure.

While the material requested did get disclosed, it only occurred recently, prosecutor Jessica Barrow said on the call, which also included defence lawyer Joanne Mulcahy and the hearing officer, retired Ontario Provincial Police superintendent Greg Walton. 

Gates, who Walton said satisfied first appearance obligations during a video conference on June 6, was not on today's call, which he noted was not required.

“I believe that on the last call I indicated that I had the disclosure and just had to look through it before providing it to my friend,” said Barrow. “That has taken place, but it was quite recently … It was about a week ago that the disclosure was provided.

"It is fairly substantial and I spoke to my friend and we have agreed to put the matter over until Sept. 12 subject to (the hearing officer’s) availability and subject to us, hopefully, to have an opportunity to discuss next steps," she added. 

Barrie city police issued a news release on Dec. 1, 2023 indicating the charge had been laid against Gates following a recent investigation conducted by the OPP's Office of Professionalism, Respect, Inclusion and Leadership. 

"An allegation of an on-duty internal incident was received by Barrie Police Deputy Chief R. Wyllie Allan earlier this year involving a 26-year officer of the service who holds the rank of inspector," stated the release. "After receiving the complaint, Deputy Chief Allan requested the assistance of the OPP to conduct the investigation."

The specific nature of the allegations against Gates remains unclear. 

Gates, who is married to Barrie Police Chief Rich Johnston, has spent a large part of her policing career working in domestic violence, as well as in areas of mental health and child/youth advocacy.

A hearing for the initial charge of discreditable conduct took place yesterday, and was adjourned until Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 8:30 a.m. via teleconference.