Science??? Hmm...... is that a new name for government?
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I agree. Speers is living with his head in the clouds. I can't help but wonder if any of the naysayers have ever needed to actually call the police. I have, sadly. And our police force was there for me.
Take away our peace officers and you will see a side of this city (any city) that would take over our streets in a most unwelcome way.
I agree that public education and redistribution of calls to an appropriate service would take much pressure off of our police force. But do away with them completely? Speers is living in a fantasy world. The only people who would want that are all the petty and professional criminals and gangs. JMHO
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If there is remnants of an aboriginal village on this site, why not do a archeological dig. The village could be replicated, similar to Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. It would become a wonderful tourist attraction for Barrie, as well as a great educational experience for our school children and adults alike. Just a thought.
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Meanwhile, many of the streets in the north end have pot holes big enough to loose your car in. Or bend a tire rim, which happened to someone I know. And I can assure you, they weren't driving fast. When we get those heavy rains, the bottom end of our street gets flooded out so bad the water is over the curbs, over the boulevard and half way up the driveways. Let the cottagers wait, Barrie. Do something with the streets the residents of Barrie live on.
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I sincerely hope something can be done. The noise violation and speeding have always been a problem in my area. The first night when it was announced that noise violation was to be suspended, the problem almost doubled. Obviously the only reason those people follow laws are when they are afraid of police presence. Does this mean that it is permissable to break the law as long as we are not caught? Something to think about.
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Two thumbs up for this establishment! Thank you for stepping up and providing meals for our local hero's as well as families in need. Your thoughtfullness and generosity will not be forgotten.
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Casting blame is always easy from the armchair. Instead of criticising, do something useful with your energy. Ontario and Canadian governments are doing the best they can.
If you think you can do better, then run in the next election. Until then.... well, I am sure you know the saying.
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What about the highschool students? They are also missing out.
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I agree. Those people made their choice. Sorry if it bad for them, but the funds to bring them (which is going to be a lot) would be better used for the Canadian people who listened and stayed home.
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Thank you. This feature has been well thought out and I am happy to see it. I seldom ever add a comment but enjoy reading what others have to say.
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