A blood test can confirm antibodies, ask your doctor for one.
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well then vote for the third person then.
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Carney had no riding, There for he was not elected by anyone.
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one last thing that makes PP a better candidate is he is not in 100's of photos with Ghislaine and Jeffrey.
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PP has a riding to run in.
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PP is a better choice because he is not a WEF puppet or a liberal. That there makes him the better choice. As a bonus he only holds a Canadian passport. He did not move his companies out of Canada and he did not mismanaged any other country money. He has always been a politician so he knows the rules and laws, kind of a professional politician. Wouldn't want a plumber doing heart surgery on me, but you can go right ahead seems to be right along your train of thinking.
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Yeah and these people vote, makes me worried.
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As other news sites have reported the LCBO stated they have already paid for American alcohol. They buy a billion dollars worth of alcohol from the USA yearly. So the LCBO is out the money until they are allowed to sell it again or return it for their money back.
The consignment the LCBO offers is for customers wishing to buy alcohol that is not sold in their establishments, according to the LCBO consignment program website.
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I don't think he will do that.
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No listings have been posted by Idahaddanuff
Many provinces and States are in or waiting for bills to pass, some provinces have already passed bills and are waiting for American states to pass bills so the time can be aligned at the same time. However the bills tabled are for daylight savings time, not standard time.
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