Propaganda, um best in the G7??? Hopefully this link works. Note in the graphic it shows the sources!
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Royal, "I'm so done with that brand of hateful politics that caters to the lowest common denominator. That's not leadership or vision, it's simply mudslinging." I can't find any comments similar from you when Justin was calling anyone that didn't agree with him various names/insults. Something PP hasn't done to the people of Canada.
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The federal NDP leader put his pension above all Canadians. He voted against a non-confidence vote to force an election that the majority want.
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Well everything is broken and the current gate keepers aren't doing anything. They haven't even said how they are going to fix things or how things will be different.
12 10
The media is to busy keeping the Liberals in the Spotlight with an election coming up. You may have noticed the other parties aren't getting much coverage either!
18 7
Michael, Polievre has security clearances. The clearances your likely referring to would have meant he could read but not talk to anyone (even the RCMP) about what he read. Elizabeth May and Jagmeet read it and suddenly got real quite after!
21 12
Meanwhile in Canada an other Billionaire has just been named PM and is already going to stick it to us via a new carbon tax (industrial tax) - source CTV news
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Coconut, sure and what will the financial penalty be? How much has Canada already invested into the program. What about all the people that are employed on our side of the border contributing parts etch. to the program???
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Retired optimist, that is quite the tall tale your telling. So your telling me Trump wants to destroy his own businesses to? Also, the supreme court did not give him or any other President total immunity. A little search on your favorite search engine will show this.
Funny I don't recall you complaining about Biden ignoring the supreme court multiple times or even Justin for that matter!
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