Selected, not elected. Why is Parliament still shut down?
61 28 3
True Patriots have always flown the flag, not just when they've been told to.
0 4 1
20% carbon tax incoming April 1st. Also raise for M.P.'s
9 7
So much diversity
6 2 0
Enjoy your retirement! Always a pleasure visiting your office.
4 0 0
Guelph needs a new hospital.
11 0 0
Let's stop wasting money on the climate hoax and put the funds into health.
3 23 3
How is a 70 × 116 foot lot divided into 4? Feel bad for the neighborhood
16 6 1
Looking forward to my Florida vacation even.
2 14 0
No listings have been posted by Lester Green
Awaiting the baloney Carney work.
8 2 2