Amazing how superficial Liberals are. They say he is not a politician yet has held government jobs. He has lived the majority of his life on the public payroll. Trudeau wasn’t a politician either. He was a suf board instructor and drama teacher
8 3 0
This is a great event and happy to say I have attended it almost every year. I
0 0 0
Everybody is a Liberal until the money is all gone
3 2 0
No parking. Surely a billion dollar project can include a parking garage
2 0 1
Colleges focussed on padding payroll with international students instead of education. Courses were watered down
10 1 0
Another Liberal experiment and if elected we pay the cost
26 8 0
Thank you Bob.
1 1 0
Another Liberal team trying to work with NDP to get power. This approach has been tried before and we all no the results
47 19 1
Liberals Made a bad choice with Bonnie
15 11 1
No listings have been posted by R you a concerned citizen
Like Who song says. New boss like the old boss
48 18 4