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Noah Liguori

Member since: Feb, 2021

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'Destroyed everything': Landlord evicts tenants after 13-month legal battle

'Destroyed everything': Landlord evicts tenants after 13-month legal battle

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

I so feel for this landlord, and it reinforces the horrible stories of Ontario anti landlord laws. We are nearly as bad out here in BC but not quite as much as Ontario. This is a result of growing lawlessness from Marxist ideology. This mindset, or philosophy, paints the lower income as victims and persecutes those who work hard, ate responsible, and the educated. Just the same ss communists in Russia after their revolution, killing off those with glasses! The educated. Now look at them, drunken gangsters ruling. Anyhow, this Canadian society, like other countries ( particularly Nordic ones), has villainized landlords as "those bad rich people", and wonder why housing stock has shrunk. If they were fair about it the landlord could get these users out in two months max. Not paying rent alone, and taking g 13 months? That is insanely unjust

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2 women face catalytic converter theft charges after arrest in Burnaby

2 women face catalytic converter theft charges after arrest in Burnaby

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

In addition to serious consequences for the theives there needs to be a mandate and law that any place caught purchasing these from non qualified sources, gets their business license revoked and or fines. Then having designated recycling places approved to take only from automotive places that need to stamp their faulty converters.

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Tribunal dismisses Burnaby strata complaint over neighbours' 'putrid' smells, hoarding

Tribunal dismisses Burnaby strata complaint over neighbours' 'putrid' smells, hoarding

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

One more example of societal breakdown. The imbalanced defense of one individuals "rights" to be a stench to others, adversely and unfairly affecting others by their slovenliness, undermining basic societal standards for liability. These poor residents of this strata. Shame on this debased judge.

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Driver who killed 2 teens in crash on Burnaby-New West border gets 5.5 years in prison

Driver who killed 2 teens in crash on Burnaby-New West border gets 5.5 years in prison

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

Good comments by the judge. At least not a slap on the wrist I guess but still such a small amount of time for taking the lives of these two young men and having such a disregard for others. The fact of his cultural lineage has no bearing on culpability.

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Burnaby owner accused of tossing garbage from 9th-floor balcony wins strata battle

Burnaby owner accused of tossing garbage from 9th-floor balcony wins strata battle

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

This ruling should have gone against this chronic littering person, who clearly has no regard for his neighbors or the property in general. The fact he has been found guilty, with clear evidence, before should be taken into consideration as a pattern of behavior that indicates he is still doing it. This kind of behavior is that of people who think the world is their trash can, are entitled, and very lazy.

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Meet the tenants living in 'work camp' housing for homeless in Vancouver

Meet the tenants living in 'work camp' housing for homeless in Vancouver

B.C. News |

Noah Liguori commented

I admire this man's tenacity and respect him for his gratitude and doing what he can with he he has to work with.

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Richmond church operating in wrong zoning

Richmond church operating in wrong zoning

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

What is this about "religious zoned" areas? What is happening to the free world? Not so free anymore. People are going to be forbidden from having house churches next.

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‘It was overwhelming’: Community rallies behind recently vandalized Vancouver music shop

‘It was overwhelming’: Community rallies behind recently vandalized Vancouver music shop

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

I respect rhe shops generosity towards this tagger but I also think it is misplaced. This is not art, and I think the "throw up" term is more about the quality of the image than the speed it was put up. Even the best graffitti, most of which I think looks trashy, is imposing a persons doodle on peoples personal property. This kind of bubble scribble looks way worse than my high school doodling while bot paying attention in class. Real art is developed with care and esthetics in mind, but I guess that is too old fashioned now.

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25 Tri-Cities schools flagged for COVID-19 exposures as Port Coquitlam declared 'high-risk'

25 Tri-Cities schools flagged for COVID-19 exposures as Port Coquitlam declared 'high-risk'

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

This is just crazy the hysteria and silliness of how anecdotal cases are blown into something other than it is. First it's not news there are positive cases...why would the location of where a person here or there works matter? Second, of course there are more and more positive cases, we are testing more and more. Third the meaningful data is who has a serious case? That is actually a low amount relative to the general population. I guess that just doesn't fit the nervous nelly natrative.

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Tenant allegedly skips out on rent, Port Coquitlam single mom left with $14k tab

Tenant allegedly skips out on rent, Port Coquitlam single mom left with $14k tab

Local News |

Noah Liguori commented

This is yet another example of the ridiculous Socialist imbalance of the RTTB, who is a lopsided government arm that turns a blind eye to regular exploitation of landlords by tenants. I am a landlord and while I have not had tenants default I have had more that are disrespectful and damaging my property, excessive noise and demands but I give lower than market rent cost, all inclusive, repairs right away, niver appliances that ours at times etc.. I have good tenants now but have found the more I give the worse people tend to be. The RTB has almost no rights for landlords and state that is not their concern. yet it is expected people to share their homes to make possible rental options and put up with all sorts of exploitation with next to no recourse. Even when you do "win" a case there is almost no ability to enforce it.

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