Wrong Fighting, no one has told more lies than trump.. its a fact
107 30
Parents are responsible for their children.
2 1 0
Gold is $2900 US an ounce, Executives make millions. Corporate Welfare
3 0 0
Sounds like a trump supporter
53 7
Zulich has city council in his pocket.
7 0 0
Krusto, how do you penalize people who are not in Canada. Shows how much you know. Blame the liberals when you're ignorant
28 27
Carbon tax is gone..
11 7 6
Carney will pick up those lost liberals.. I think people may be surprised.
13 10
You'll never say anything bad about dementia Donnie. You have been quiet about the tariffs..
6 7
No listings have been posted by Ed Jenner
Erwin, name a political party that has made life better for the average Canadian. Voting is a scam
16 52 4