Why do so many Canadians not know that our Prime Ministers are NEVER elected? The leaders of the party with the most seats are appointed as Prime Minister. Canadians only get to vote for the people running in their riding!
75 15
I am not sure that Ford will run federal. He s a very big fish in a very small pond, Ontario, rght now. Moving up would make hm smaller and there is some doubt that the western conservative base would accept him because he is so moderate compare to Harpers harem.
5 6
If Ford comes back with nothing he should defnately restore the export tax on electricity to the US
46 9 0
Not sure what your point is jerjer. He was duly elected as the leader of the Liberal party and as such he automatically, after swearing in becomes the Prime Minister. Outside of that he does not have a seat until there is an election either national or a by-election and he wins a seat. Canadians in general do not get to vote for Prime Minister. Only those in the riding he runs in. So I just do not understand your point sir.
65 39
the unique thing about roundabouts is that they are supposed to keep traffic flowing and each one has at least two crosswalks. Crosswalks and roundabouts do not play well!
16 7 3
What exactly is your defenition of "destroyed" then?
10 1
The fact that the people are homeless is not the problem. The homelesness is result of the problems and challenges that they have. Simply giving them homes does not address their real challenges and issues.
1 2
The fact that the people are homeless is not the problem. The homelesness is result of the problems and challenges that they have. Simply giving them homes does not address their real challenges and issues.
5 7
Trump is pushing his agenda and his twisted perspective on the rest of the world. He is nothing short of being a bully. The only power that he has is the worlds addiction to the American market. Tariffs are only meaningful if you export to the US. The one good thing that will come from this is that the rest of the world will come closer together realizing that Americans are no longer reliable partners in any facet of the world order
15 1 0
No listings have been posted by bob crane
Renovictions are a sensitive area where capitalism meets social responsbilities. If I own a building and want to renovate it to make it more profitable why should not? It is not illegal and in fact our society and economy are built of capitalism. The challenge for our society is to figure out how we can support capitalism and meet our social responsblites at the same time. If we want an inventory of low cost housing there are only two ways to achieve that. Either the city owns their own buildings or they give landlords sufficient positive incentive to do so. Bickering over renovictions is a mute point and nothing more than screaming into the void.
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