A joke ?
He's repeated the same joke multiple times. As has the White House Press secretary.
10 1
How do you jail someone who is calling from Mumbai or Lagos ?
18 4
It's you that needs to do some research.
The 'higher than 200%" tariffs you say Canada charges have never actually been charged, ever. They are quota based and the USA has never even reached half of the trigger amount.
On the flipside, the USA charges a tariff on softwood lumber because we 'subsidize' our lumber mills because of our abundant forests.
11 3
How does standing up for your country equal hate for Americans ?
I'd be interested in how you would rectify the situation. Our country is being attacked economically, are we supposed to just accept the blows and not at least try to defend ourselves ?
14 5
The American flag I feel should be taken down is the one on the boardwalk in front of Station Mall. No reason for it there, placed with equal status as our Canadian flag.
12 7 0
It's on consignment. LCBO pays the supplier only when it sells.
10 1
Even if she wanted to congratulate him, he is probably already hard to find.
2 3
The majority of seats, but far from the popular vote.
22 20
Congratulations Mr. Scott.
You have a lot of work to do, proving yourself to the majority, that voted against you.
6 3 0
No listings have been posted by Jimssm
Why do you care about the carbon tax or anything Canadian? You shop exclusively in the USA.
You shouldn't even have a vote.
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