Incredible! Every year public transit gets more expensive but we receive less service.
3 0 0
Exactly! What a joke our political system is
8 8
True but the liberals have nothing to gain by returning to parliament or holding an election. What do you want to bet, Carney's liberals use their 'emergency powers' to push the election to next year?
1 1
You're an optimist if you believe parliament will resume any time this year.
1 1
I'll bet there isn't going to be an election this year. Carney will use 'emergency powers' to override elections Canada and push the election to next year. There's too much risk for the libs to have an election right now.
0 2 0
Stop looking to the government to help you. If you lose your job, you'll do the same as the rest of us, get unemployment until you can find a new one.
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The replies to your comment are funny lol. Our governments, all levels, have been a complete disappointment for several years. They've created open borders and called us a post nation state, mass immigration in spite of the opposition from the majority of Canadians, 80k homeless in Ontario alone, multiple affordability crises, an ever increasing drug issue but ya, Trump is the bad guy. Not to mention all the bad mouthing towards Trump, needlessly poking the bear. We don't have a functioning federal government and are forced to cool out Jets while the liberals have a fake leadership race. All Trump wanted was for Canada to control its borders or else. Well, now we're finding out 'or else'. FAFO
12 21
New Blue Party?
1 13
If only we had a Danielle Smith but if all the thumbs down are an indication, Ontarians likely wouldn't vote for her. Smh
40 17
No listings have been posted by Teresa Johnston
Terrific story and the telling is wonderfully heart warming. Well done Wendy!
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