There is no one who is dedicated to making the country a better place for the average citizens of Canada of whom I have been made aware.
37 24 1
Trump has something in mind as the tariffs will hurt his people almost as much as ours. Drugs and illegal immigrants coming from Canada is not even an issue when compared to the US southern border; it is an excuse to circumvent Nafta. We shall see. It would be nice to see what opportunities the tariffs can create for us instead of just gloom and doom. We need leadership. Covid taught us nothing. We need at the very least a reliable food supply in Canada. Stop paving over our scarce farmland could be a start.
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Yes. I believe he has to win a seat in a certain time frame
5 0
Are you sure about that?
3 0
We had a doctor shortage before Doug Ford was elected. Mr. ford has done little to alleviate that shortage; in fact by privatizing he has made it worse. The US spends more on healthcare than any other country and are not even in the top 10 countries in the the world for providing their citizens with healthcare; the US is often a model of how not to do things for the social good.
17 1
Parliament can change election laws for those who mentioned changing or saying we can not change election laws.
9 0 1
Ford has a mandate to do as he wishes because he has a majority. This early election is self serving
7 0 2
I was blue but I can not bring myself to vote for Ford again (green space, Ontario place and calling an early election for political reasons). Red did nothing but accelerate the medical and deficit issues we face today; 2003 35,000 people in Hamilton without a doctor (to be honest that number could have been anywhere between 2003 and 2007). I remember the Ray Days. It leaves only the green. I feel like Diogenes.
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Yawn and heaven forbid if we also get 5-10 cm of snow. I guess mentioning this employees somebody
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No listings have been posted by John MacVicar
Not at the apartments at Barrie road and West. It is the first apartment I have lived in where the tenant is responsible for removing snow in their parking spot. This is my first winter living at those apartments and it may be my last.
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