Peter, thanks for this. I was looking for your January article that related the shock of all the various people who voted for a convicted felon. Could you repost details about what issue of Barrie Today it appeared in, and maybe a link? Many thanks.
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Thanks for this very fine piece, with its caution. I know about the owl, and am a birder, but have made no attempt to go see it. I am happy to see the photo you posted. As you point out, winter is a tough time for birds of prey, which are trying to conserve energy and at the same time to survive.
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There is precedent. The folks who live at Collier Place on the west side now look out at a wall, since the huge building at the corner of Mulcaster and Colllier was put in front of them. Loss of view, loss of light; loss of wellness. I don't live in either place, but I think about this matter when I drive past. A friend and I—she was a senior on the west side of Collier Place––enjoyed watching the skaters at City Hall, or whatever was going on. Who cannot but sympathize? What is the real price?
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I knew Ellen during her last ten years as DOC at Grove Park—I was chaplain and met with her virtually every week—and through the King Edward Choir, then Ernie and their children. One of my fondest memories is that of singing a duet of "Jesu Bambino" at "Fireside" following the annual Christmas dinner for staff and residents at Grove Park Home. 1990 or so. It was really lovely. (Of course, Diane Ferrier was accompanist.) She was always enthusastic, interested in our children. We shared mutual friends. Liked to laugh. Lots of fond memories. My condolences to Rod and Leanne and their families. —Claude Cox
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No listings have been posted by Claude Cox
Thanks, Peter. That is the one! I was a bit off on the date! An American friend in Texas (Austin), an anti-Trumper, dropped me a note last week to ask me what we Canadians think about what's going on there. I immediately thought of your article, which registers the shock of those groups of people voting for someone who has absolutely no moral integrity. She reports that there are a lot of federal workers now jobless where she lives. Many thanks, Claude.
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