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Member since: Mar, 2024

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What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

SherriLynnP commented

Every pie in the sky utopian world of ever flowing money printed for everyone all the time world promised to you by the New Liberal Democrat coalition government program will fail.

Every single one. They've been failing right in front of us for 9 years straight. They promised to fix housing 8 years ago and spent billions. And the situation has become demonstrably worse. Everything in Canada has become worse under the New Liberal Democrat coalition government

All they do is spend money and make us all poorer. They waste all our time and money with doomed to fail unrealistic dream scale projects.

Do you get it yet?
STOP voting for New Liberal Democrat socialist coalition governments.

Sudbury wastes their votes on NDP & Liberal every election.
I was naive enough in my youth to vote NDP, ignorant enough to vote liberal last time around.

Never again.

Sudbury; stop voting to be a pair of have-not ridings!!!

64 59 10

What best describes your view of Pierre Poilievre?

Poll |

SherriLynnP replied

80 million Americans of a vast array of diverse people, every colour, race, class, male, female, hetero, LGB, rich, poor, religous, non-religious voted for Trump.

with a clear mandate

And he's delivered 1000% doing more great things in 1 month than any politician i've ever witnessed.

12applejack - you're projecting. You clearly have no idea of what the demographics of the Trump voter base are. "they're all religous" claim is made up out of your confirmation bias. clearly

34 3

What best describes your view of Justin Trudeau?

Poll |

SherriLynnP replied


10 0

Do you think Trudeau's resignation increases the federal Liberals' chances in the next election?

Poll |

SherriLynnP replied


3 0

SherriLynnP replied


23 1

SherriLynnP replied

Danielle Smith - literally the only good Premier at the moment

Poilievre twin - I'd already vote for both of them you don't have to convince me further

Ford - he's a Liberal and needs to be replaced 100%

38 8

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

SherriLynnP commented

Every pie in the sky utopian world of ever flowing money printed for everyone all the time world promised to you by the New Liberal Democrat coalition government program will fail.

Every single one. They've been failing right in front of us for 9 years straight. They promised to fix housing 8 years ago and spent billions. And the situation has become demonstrably worse. Everything in Canada has become worse under the New Liberal Democrat coalition government

All they do is spend money and make us all poorer. They waste all our time and money with doomed to fail unrealistic dream scale projects.

Do you get it yet?
STOP voting for New Liberal Democrat socialist coalition governments.

Sudbury wastes their votes on NDP & Liberal every election.
I was naive enough in my youth to vote NDP, ignorant enough to vote liberal last time around.

Never again.

Sudbury; stop voting to be a pair of have-not ridings!!!

97 50 6

What is the most pressing issue facing the community today?

Poll |

SherriLynnP replied


As it pertains to this poll, theyre the only party who had put forth anything that makes sense to address these issue

2 0

Most Ontarians don't buy Ford's reason for calling the election: poll

Most Ontarians don't buy Ford's reason for calling the election: poll

2025 Provincial Election News |

SherriLynnP replied

"Many were stunned when Americans voted for Trump—why repeat it here?"
Yes, lets please do. We only wish we had a Canadian Trump!

0 0

SherriLynnP replied

Rob James a Liberal who says "i cant believe you'd vote PC provincially because they're calling an election to shut down investigations"

Will vote Liberal despite the Federal Liberals having done this 3 times now.

Ya. your selective outrage hasn't gone unnoticed

0 0

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