Conservatives platform includes restoring sex based protections for women, and banning males from women's sports.
Canada first policies. Ending wasteful foreign aid and putting homeless, marginalized and poverty stricken Canadians first.
ending the harmful drug policies. Actually having borders and curtailing mass immigration.
Dealing with trans=national organized crime.
My whole family will be voting Conservative
Time to put Canada first! LG Canada!
158 103 11
Good. I'd copy every single executive order Trump has put forth
I'd put Canada and Canadians first just like Trump is putting America first.
Trump isn't perfect, he has many flaws, but 90% of his platform and policies are gold.
We only wish we could have that.
I really do hope the CPC has the same agenda as Trump.
Canada first, Canada last, Canada always
23 1
Trump has done more good for Canada in the last 4 months, than the current government has done in 9 years. We'll be voting for any politician aligned with the great and many things that the Trump administration has accomplished in such short time
25 1
Danielle Smith has been the only sane government official this entire last 3 months.
If Canada had a Trump of its own, I'd be voting for him. Mostly everyone I know my age would be voting for him.
Canada's sitting politicians in Ottawa, Ontario are weak, corrupt and putting Canada last on every single issue. On every metric, they have made Canada worse.
27 1
The leadership coronation was pre-determined years ago. Its all for show, was just an excuse to prorogue parliament. They obviously didn't want to say it was so they could shut down the committee investigations into the Green Slush Fund Scandal.
32 2
muddy up / snow up your plates everybody ;)
1 1
well.. you get to pay for it in inflation. and more taxes. As long as the pie you're talking about is lost money and decrease in the value of your currency. Eat up
4 2
Ford seems to be matching Trudeau for shameless tactics #FTFY
P.S. the private enterprise that is Tesla has nothing to do with Trump.
The world is far better off with both of them. Freedom os speech restored on X which has led to major changes across the globe in all media.
Re invigorated space travel. Have you even seen the rocket landings? Amazing stuff.
Tesla also leading the EV market which all you lefties were on board with even cheering before you decided that b/c you dont agree with them ideologically, all of a sudden climate change doesn't matter anymore. Good to see that you put your tribalistic politics and ideological position above what you say you want; climate action. When people show you who they are, believe them. So many leftists lost all credibility on this alone
0 0
Yes. Lots of Libs complaining about Ford using Trudeau tactics here but were oddly silent when Trudeau did it (multiple times now)
0 1
No listings have been posted by Leblanche
Conservatives platform includes restoring sex based protections for women, and banning males from women's sports.
Canada first policies. Ending wasteful foreign aid and putting homeless, marginalized and poverty stricken Canadians first.
ending the harmful drug policies. Actually having borders and curtailing mass immigration.
Dealing with trans-national organized crime.
My whole family will be voting Conservative
Time to put Canada first! LG Canada!
70 61 8