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Member since: Apr, 2024

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What best describes your view of Pierre Poilievre?

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NoraSo replied

Apart from staunch liberals / radical progressives, only demographic that was anti- Trump are the older generations. Media narratives against Trump and many of them being well off and not affected by the economic turmoil forced on our youth.

Canada's 50+ year olds lived through a time when they could afford a house, have kids, raise a family on one salary and their job wasn't replaced by an immigrant or DEI.

Now that demographic votes for the exact opposite for the next generations.

32 2

Who would do a better job as Prime Minister?

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NoraSo replied

the USA are not our "ex-friends".

You're forgetting that 77% of Canadians are NOT on "Team Trudeau".

And we all want the same things Trump wants when it comes to immigration border security transnational organized crime, and narcotics, anti globalism, ending wokism, CRT, DEI, and the restoration of sex based rights & protections

22 0

NoraSo replied

Imagine going through life thinking -Politician- is not a real job. lolz

20 0

NoraSo replied

Kweech - baseless fearmongering... not seeing how that helps any discussion.

20 0

NoraSo replied

JPCWood - we see what Trump is doing. 95% of it is great and I'd vote for it here today this very moment. He's the most pro LGB and Pro Woman President they've ever had. Time for Canada to elect is very own Trump.

Or "mini Trump" as you like to try and use as an attack on Poilievre all the time.

24 0

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

NoraSo replied

Stewart Miller giving us a dictionary worthy political example of a non sequitur

47 6

NoraSo replied

Women & Girls Rights, Protections, Opportunities in life
If I had to choose a single issue vote topic. This is it.

Not surprisingly enough in radical progressive woke 2025 Canada. This wasn't even listed on the "issues facing you this election" options in the latest poll.

I bet Village Media / political left don't want that answer published.

95 37

NoraSo replied

Sunshine74 - we can all list PMO staffers - Katie Telford and Gerald Butts and other politicians in the Liberal NDP party and list all the things we disagree with them on, what conspiracy theories we've heard of them or list our personal emotions about them all.

Your list of hypotheticals, conspiracies and ideological differences with the Conservatives are not compelling by any means

113 55

Symington: A fresh start needed in Ottawa for 2025

Symington: A fresh start needed in Ottawa for 2025

Guest Columns |

NoraSo replied

"but PP has provided no plans."

To say this is a combination of willful ignorance and naivety

Their plans are all over their website, available through their member email updates and eluded to / posted on X and other media daily.

Naivety - they are not officially campaigning nor is an election underway. They have no requirement to post detailed plans, just for the Libs to "borrow" like they "borrow" from the NDP
You want details? demand an immediate election.

Someone else posted this so here it is (I signed today):

Jagmeet Singh said he's ready for an election.
the Liberal caucus is clearly broken. Over 80 of the MPS have called for trudeau to step down but he won't. Despite his -58% approval rating

26 2

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

Poll |

NoraSo replied

Signed. #58,120

26 2

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