Canada is broken
Your comment is ridiculous! It's also very fitting for a boomer. Your entire argument is that mental health is a choice, while age is not.
The most amazing thing about your argument is that somehow you believe Liberal Governments are the answer to your problems. Meanwhile, Conservative governing in Canada is a rarity!
Serious question, do they have only CBC News playing on the only TV in your seniors home?
18 36
I feel much more comfortable knowing that boomers (for once in my lifetime) are voting as conservatives.
26 20
Didn't Trudeau offer Electoral Reform as a campaign promise TEN YEARS AGO??
7 0
I'm old enough to remember when Civics Class was removed from "Public" Education. Gee, I wonder why...
3 3
I voted today in the Provincial Election. Can't wait to celebrate another victory for Milton next week!
3 3 0
In the United States, 7% of the population works for the federal government. In Canada, that number is 25%, and that's only at the FEDERAL level. No wonder why so many people are up in arms that our next government is going to be Conservative at both the federal and provincial levels.
62 16 6
No listings have been posted by PJ Frink
Rights are God-given and inalienable, no matter what the current Government edict requires from a legal standpoint.
That is all. Happy voting!
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