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Member since: Jul, 2016

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LETTER: Carney insults Trudeau as Trudeau smiles and claps

LETTER: Carney insults Trudeau as Trudeau smiles and claps

Letters to the Editor |

HoundsFanatic commented

my favourite are the conservatives trying to call him a communist!

nothing says communism like a Goldman Sachs banker eh?

4 3 0

HoundsFanatic replied

just repeating the ramblings of the Mini-MAGA whiner in charge of the CPC at this point eh?

8 6

POLL: 84% of readers say they're avoiding U.S. goods

POLL: 84% of readers say they're avoiding U.S. goods

Local News |

HoundsFanatic replied

sounds like a troll.

6 0

HoundsFanatic replied

i feel bad for Soo Mich small businesss, yet at the same time I don't. Michigan voted for this mess.

26 5

COLUMN: SooToday reporter pondering what trade war means for Sault, Michigan

COLUMN: SooToday reporter pondering what trade war means for Sault, Michigan

Columns |

HoundsFanatic commented

America has become the 47th Russian Oblast.

24 6 0

Mark Carney sworn in as Canada's 24th prime minister

Mark Carney sworn in as Canada's 24th prime minister

Local News |

HoundsFanatic replied


None of the examples you mentioned involved a politician as divisive or unlikeable as Poilievre. With Trudeau and the carbon tax gone within hours of eachother, Poilievres entire campaign just went up in smoke. Canadians were just begging for an alternative to Trudeau, Singh and Poilievre and they got it.

12 8

HoundsFanatic replied

lipstick on a pig? sounds like Trump and Maga Milhouse! Except in this case it's contact lenses and padded shirts.

10 8

HoundsFanatic replied


You are emblematic of our failed education system. Basic Civics would have taught you how our parliamentary system operates.

29 10

HoundsFanatic commented

the drop in the CPC's polling numbers the last month is arguably the greatest collapse in Canadian political history.

i look forward to PP's impending loss, and his replacement as leader of the opposition. Canadians deserve better than this TEMU-MAGA brand of conservatism that Poilievre is peddling.

59 57 8

Snow is still on the ground — why are Ontario’s best campsites already booked?

Snow is still on the ground — why are Ontario’s best campsites already booked?

Local News |

HoundsFanatic commented

it doesn't help that ontario has closed so many of our northern campgrounds... crescent, obatanga, the shoals just to name a few.

21 3 0


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