Well there you have it. 250,000 disqualified votes of a potential 400,000 to give Carney a landslide majority. Wow. They even cheated in their own leadership election. This should be a very interesting federal election!!
14 7 2
He’s a WEF puppet and will make Canadians suffer through crushing taxes.
54 36 2
Vote Liberal if you want the raping and pillaging of Canada to continue!!
9 0
Does that mean you’ll stop going to Tim hortons??
2 0
You’re watching too much legacy media. Look at your own government and you’ll see where the problem lies!!
1 0
Freeland would be the final in the liberal coffin!! ☠️
2 2
The real bully is Trudeau. The liberal party has taxed Canadians into poverty. Given billions to other countries. Used the emergency act against its own people for standing up to the bully. Vote out the liberals out and you will defeat the real bully!! ❤️🇨🇦
21 4
Question. Why would someone who is running for Prime Minister with a vast banking knowledge still want to fight for the environment?
Answer. Because that’s where the money is.
If you want to pay more in taxes to “save” the environment (scam) and continue to crush the Canadian economy make sure to vote for “Carbon Tax Carney”
11 3 0
Carney may have work in other countries and have more experience. you would think Carney would have glowing revues but it’s quite the opposite. England was happy to be rid of him and he walks in to Canada with multiple passports and becomes Canadas leader without a single vote cast by the people. That act alone tells me to avoid the Liberals at all cost this election.
12 0
No listings have been posted by Duke Nukm
Getting scammed from another country is avoidable with a few precautions.
Getting scammed and robbed by the Liberal government is treasonous and should be rectified!! Election now!!
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