Recovering scientist & political amateur who ought to have known better!
Almost half of PC MPPs are Ministers of something or other.
Sounds like the old adage "too many chiefs, not enough indians".
What would a "Minister of Red Tape Reduction" actually do??
Would "Red Tape" mean - perhaps - cutting out an environmental assessment for a construction project?
Perhaps a community really doesn't want a project in their neighbourhood; would a public information session be considered "Red Tape"?
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Around 30 years ago, road salt was on Environment Canada's "Sunset Chemical List". That meant this use for salt was to be terminated.
Of course, salt has many uses apart from flavouring your baked potato. Among these is the production of sodium hydroxide, an important industrial chemical.
Somehow, road salt was removed from the Sunset List. I suspect the salt producers' of engineering the removal because spreading the substance on our roads is - by far - the largest use.
It's high time we stopped using salt in this way. We have highly effective winter tires. We can also buy winter boots with a similar rubber/tread pattern as the tires.
We have winter and it is high time we stopped "wishing it away". We need to learn to live with winter without lawsuits!
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Was the rabbit also a witness??
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This is probably the one you meant - it was December 1 2024!
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My recent columns are listed here:
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For most of my columns, I have no record of their published date.
Not only that, but the Editor always chooses a (snappier) title than I have used . . .
I asked Ray Bowe (Editor) to respond to you.
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I definitely am a Trump hater!
Tell us what aspects of this self obsessed individual appeals to you.
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Please point out the errors in my arguments.
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Get yourself and your children vaccinated!
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No listings have been posted by Pete GB
At the time, NAFTA looked like a great idea.
And Canada did well under NAFTA - would have continued to do well after the CUSMA "adjustment".
Unfortunately, the US President whose "Sharpie" actually signed the CUSMA trade deal, just ripped it up without any discussion.
Not a lot of sense in the Oval Office these days . . .
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