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Member since: May, 2018

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Voter turnout was a little better than 2022 ... but not much

Voter turnout was a little better than 2022 ... but not much

2025 Provincial Election News |

Onlooker replied

Actually more non-Ford supporters than Ford supporters showed up.

Ford 45%, the Rest 55%. But who's counting?

6 1

Oro-Medonte taking 'multi-forked approach' to short-term rentals, B&Bs

Oro-Medonte taking 'multi-forked approach' to short-term rentals, B&Bs

Local News |

Onlooker commented

Really he means multi-pronged.

0 0 0

Close calls and surprise pickups: Ontario election night

Close calls and surprise pickups: Ontario election night

Local News |

Onlooker replied

The low turnout is disappointing but not unexpected. Not sure what it has to do with people on blogs and social media.

5 0

NDP remains official Opposition

NDP remains official Opposition

2025 Provincial Election News |

Onlooker commented

Too bad the Libs and the NDP split the center left vote and let Ford cruise up the middle to another 4 years of unopposed corruption, waste and mismanagement.

Come on guys, MOST people in Ontario do not want PC governments. Stop squabbling and do something useful.

7 13 3

Dunlop celebrates 'amazing victory' in Simcoe North, across province

Dunlop celebrates 'amazing victory' in Simcoe North, across province

Local News |

Onlooker commented

Let's see: PCs 43% of votes, 65% of seats. NDP 19% of votes, 22% of the seats. Libs 30% of the vote, 12% ofnthe seats.

What could be more fair than that!

10 1 1

Onlooker commented

Well at least Jill got an actual majority of the votes.

Unlike the big victor in this scam election.

4 5 2

WATCH: How the global scam racket targets our communities

WATCH: How the global scam racket targets our communities

Closer Look |

Onlooker commented

We live in a scam-filled world. Even mainstream players are scammers. Just Google news about Rogers and you'll see what I mean.

Just recently Netflix sent me an email saying the were going to "update" their prices. Why lie? Just all it an increase - that's what it is.

3 0 0

Lack of green-bin use has Simcoe County councillors seeing red

Lack of green-bin use has Simcoe County councillors seeing red

Local News |

Onlooker commented

It's not that complicated. Look around and see what is working elsewhere and copy it. No need to reinvent the wheel.

6 0 0

Watch out speeders: Automated enforcement is coming to Ramara

Watch out speeders: Automated enforcement is coming to Ramara

Local News |

Onlooker replied

I don't think you've done a thorough analysis. I expect the Township has better information than you do, and some expertise on the subject.

169 runs past a public school and right through the middle of Washago, so there are plenty of safety issues with people living along the road.

Nobody lives around the junction if 169 and 12, but the road safety was so bad there they had to rebuild the intersection with a roundabout.

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CLOSER LOOK: Watch out for huge falling icicles — but don’t blowtorch them

CLOSER LOOK: Watch out for huge falling icicles — but don’t blowtorch them

Closer Look |

Onlooker commented

Also, don't use a blowtorch on your tongue.

6 1 2

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