any legitimate group which they are has the right to petition the government be it municipal / provincial or federal and ask for funds. it's not a handout
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that is a pretty lengthy piece of road . i am thinking materials will eat up quite a bit of the costs
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a hedge fund is the cause of all this , Yukon and James.
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last media report is that they are 1 billion dollars in debt and trying to find capitol . i hope they do as North America and Canada's oldest store they are a symbol of Canada on the world stage .
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term limits would solve that Paul.
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and in addition the USA could blockade our ports quite effectively on the east and west coast due to proximity and the size of their fleets .
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the problem is that the Canada / US border is approx 9000 km long . a lot harder than the other side of a giant fence isn't it ?
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it all depends on who does the polling - some sources are very up and up while other are shady as you know what - but at the end of the day you can trust most polls as a cross section of society .
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i don't vomit liberal talking points . i choose my own points to make -
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and not all on social assistance is like this either . i feel this piece attacks them .
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