I agree that by July the 4th we commence in flying the only flag just one left by then at Half Mast to represent the passing of A Great Relationship. Now let’s start re-energizing and re building Canada, No More restrictions between Provinces free trade throughout Canada, build the Pipelines through our Country not the U.S. as some are now. Let’s get our Oil,Liquid Gas to the East Coast and West Coast Now for export around the world. Sell it where ever there is a Market. Let us ALL work together, Provinces, Our First Nations , French Canadians and every Canadian. Let’s show the world and particularly the Orange Bomber what were made of.
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Congratulation Mel and thank you for your service, it’s a shame our Country did not notify you and have them presented many years ago to both you and Aldo much earlier. It is the lack of this history and the history of Canada that I am sure has lead to the poor conditions of all our Armed Forces in Canada. It seems we only care when we need them, we need them every day. God Blessthem all.
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I believe this country should follow the example of Australia, everyone who can vote must vote or there is a fine. It is part of your duty as an Australian to Vote. Should be the same here, also they have already had the monarchy debate and have decided against the Republican way and stayed with their Monarch as we have. Not like south of the border, with few safe guards. Everyone should vote in every election unless their religion say’s otherwise. We should also have a National Service where everyone. Or near everyone does two years military service. No unemployment for 18 to 23 commence a trade in the Canadian Forces.
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The unsuccessful Candidate always goes OR calls to congratulate the successful candidate. For the unsuccessful candidate to ask the winner to come to her does not display class. It is now Official, Scott Won.It could be that attitude that cost her the Election.
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Chris Scott has been knocking on doors dropping of his literature and meeting as many people as possible, he has been at it everyday regardless of the weather, yes everyday and he will continue right to the finish, showing he is determine to work for the seat and putting forward a terrific effort to meet as many people as he can. Keep up the hard work Chris.
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There is only one Ontario leader that can face and defend our province against Trump. That is Doug Ford. Go get him Doug. But do not believe anything he say’s as he is terribly Dishonest .
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A wonderful example of a lovely human being. He was a lovely, compassionate and fun filled neighbour, friend and family man. He will be sadly missed for everything he did. Always full of fun, kids loved him as did allthe adults that knew him. R.I.P. Vince you deserve it for a life well lived for ALL the right reasons. God Bless ALL of Vince’s Family particularly his always loving and warm partner and wife Marion. Ian and Donna MacKenzie. My Daughter Heather, husband Dino and Grand Children Max and Lily will all miss him very much.
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Yes both myself with skin cancer and my wife with thyriod cancer. But who will take over from Dr. Fratesi as a Vascular Surgeon ? One of the very, very best Surgeons this city has.
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Dr Peter Chow is exactly Right.
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No listings have been posted by Ian MacKenzie
I hope they both win today , Brad Jacob’s over Carruthers and The Harnden boys over Gushue. Then I am in real trouble when our boys clash in the finals… you can’t go for two teams or can you. If they both make the finals split the Brier give them each half. Good luck to all the Saul Boys. We’re proud of you ALL.
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