How is Canada not advancing or improving... when it comes to the best places in the world to live we always rank among the top. Do you think like polievre that it is broken? If so, what is broken, exactly?
5 0
@ MrHandy, that's not the way that security clearance works. He is the leader of the official opposition, he should act the part. There is absolutely no legitimate reason for him not to go through the process of security clearance unless he is worried he won't get it.
14 2
@ Trevor... I'm looking, what have they done to our country. It is definitely far better off than if it would have been in the hands of the Con servatives
10 4
Ya, he's got all kinds of slogans but no plans for real solutions.
35 26
Thank goodness we don't vote conservative, we would be in a far worse situation.
0 1
@John Tee Please tell us where... did Santa take it?
2 1
Parliament is still prorogued until March 24th at which time an election will likely be called.
20 5
Anyone but PP
20 41
As long as it is not PP that we put at the helm we should be ok.
27 41
No listings have been posted by Corey Audrin
@Xintu The conservatives are of the same right wing ilk and ideology as the American ruling party... definitely not a good choice for government right now. They are looking at replacing the F35's with a plane that the US won't have control over, something that will be built and maintained in Canada, including the software for us to not have to rely on an outside source to update. The time has come to distance ourself from the USA and make us less reliant on them.
14 3