BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in reference to a story titled 'University presence growing in downtown Barrie with new STEM Hub,' published Nov. 21, and 'High costs for Barrie's higher education plans coming up at council,' published Nov. 22.
I am pleased to see that Lakehead University has chosen to set up a STEM Hub campus in Barrie. It will be a boon for many local students and businesses.
The city can learn a lot from the City of Brantford on how the move by Wilfrid Laurier University to locate a campus in their city about 15 years ago was accomplished.
I lived in Brantford during the move and it went smoothly, as I recall. Many students moved into the city and several facilities were renovated to provide classrooms to accommodate the influx.
That included a large part of the closed downtown shopping mall and many apartment buildings/rental properties to house the students. It was quite an undertaking and expanded quickly.
Geoffrey Golding