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LETTER: More enforcement needed for e-bikes, scooters

'We see everything from two-wheel to six-wheel electric scooters taking advantage of no policing or regulations,' says letter writer
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

Does the Highway Traffic Act provide rules and/or penalties for all these electric forms of transportation that have taken over our roads? We see everything from two-wheel to six-wheel electric ‘scooters’ taking advantage of no policing or regulations.

I’ve watched numerous ‘failure to stop’ at stop signs. Is this not illegal? Driving by at 20 to 30 km/h, with no helmets, just a T-shirt and shorts with flip-flops for footwear.

Safety first, they say.

I saw a young lady in an enclosed four-wheel ‘e-car’ that whizzed through a stop sign with a youth in the back seat. No safety concerns, no seatbelts, no air bags, no use of turn signals, no helmets. I doubt these ‘vehicles’ have rollover protection or any CSA safety built into them. They seem pretty flimsy.

And if there are regulations to control this, I think it’s high time our OPP start a campaign to reduce the abuse on our roads.

I ride a motorcycle. I wear full safety gear including riding boots and a DOT helmet. I have a motorcycle licence, which was obtained after considerable training. I pay $800 a year for insurance and my motorcycle has a licence plate, ABS braking, and turn signals that work.

What will happen when someone in a car kills a scooter rider on the road? Who’s at fault, and whose insurance will increase for the next three years?

Something should be done, before it happens.

Larry Barrette