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Paul l. Murphy

Member since: Feb, 2020

Recent Comments

Has LCBO already paid for American alcohol removed from shelves?

Has LCBO already paid for American alcohol removed from shelves?

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

Who gives a d..m, the liquor won’t go bad, the bigger picture should be what the concerns center around. The tariff issue will dwarf the puny cost of what ends up in storage or what little might go bad in the case of wine or beer. Find something else to gripe about!


6 0 0

Dig a little deeper: Barrie council locks in 4.31% tax hike

Dig a little deeper: Barrie council locks in 4.31% tax hike

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

I wish I got a 4.31% increase annually when I was working full time. Increases like this are simply because they can. We have to many city employees, police and fire staff way beyond the sunshine list, it’s simply a crime.

5 1 0

Lengthy investigation of Allandale Train Station land chugging toward completion

Lengthy investigation of Allandale Train Station land chugging toward completion

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

IF, this development ever comes to fruition, rent will have to be $2000.00 a square foot to cover all the money dumped into this property at tax payers expense. Without a massive write down of lost money and the cost of money this property could never make financial sense, and that write down will be at tax payer expense.

3 2 2

Councillor gets cracking on potentially allowing backyard hens in Barrie

Councillor gets cracking on potentially allowing backyard hens in Barrie

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

Ah come on, what a few chickens eh!! Then we could get some ducks and turkeys, then why now a few cows both beef and got milk as well. What the heck let’s get some pig and goats we’ll have fresh meat year round and if we don’t consume all the chickens we can donate them the KFC.
Absolutely insane suggestion, if this last more than 15 second before council it’s time to clean house from the barn to the pen!!!

8 4 1

Health-care workers at anti-lockdown events 'extremely concerning'

Health-care workers at anti-lockdown events 'extremely concerning'

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

Who is this idiot medical doctor. I was recently at RVH twice, did I come in contact with this person? I don’t know and I think I have a right to know.

19 5 2

Do you have an overall favourable or unfavourable view of Justin Trudeau?

Poll |

Paul l. Murphy commented

It would be very interesting to see the results of these polls.

2 0 0

Remove Hamilton as BIA chairman, says integrity commissioner

Remove Hamilton as BIA chairman, says integrity commissioner

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

I am the same age bracket as Mr Hamilton and while the particular jargon he used is unacceptable by the standards of today, perhaps more time might be prudently spent looking at the message rather than the delivery. The downtown at times is a scary place to be, and I’m a patron not a business owner. When the downtown scares the hell out of you,you don’t go there, you go to a mall where those kinds of activities are highly controlled and dealt with immediately, if they happen at all. Just saying, maybe the message should be considered rather than the delivery.

8 1 0

Hundreds attend 'freedom rally' in downtown Barrie to hear Bernier speak (5 photos)

Hundreds attend 'freedom rally' in downtown Barrie to hear Bernier speak (5 photos)

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

I drove by this event on my way home. These people are the colons of Barrie including Maxine Bernier, for taking part. Covid has nothing to do with rights and freedoms, it’s about the health and safety of your fellow humans, it’s about my rights and the rights of all the other people who have chosen to adhere to the governments request to stay home. The police should have ticketed every person there for the protest, without a mask. The city needs to shut this offensive, unhealthy and Illegal event down for the sake of my health as a Barrie taxpayer.


46 8 1

Situation boils over at Barrie restaurant with viral video; liquor licence suspended

Situation boils over at Barrie restaurant with viral video; liquor licence suspended

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

Nice to know where all the “red necks “ in this area eat. I’ll never darken the doors of this place, ever! This shut down is not about fair it’s about our safety and health, “red necks” as well. Shut this place down permanently please.


1 0 0

Neighbours take issue with 'simply terrible' condo project in south-end Barrie

Neighbours take issue with 'simply terrible' condo project in south-end Barrie

Local News |

Paul l. Murphy commented

Developers are playing the numbers game. Go in with the absolute Max proposal, see what the complaints are and reel back as needed. People with legitimate issues should frame them calmly, logically and professionally and find some common ground you might find palatable. However a bunch of silly, self serving complaining without facts and data to back you up without the support of city planners, won’t get you squat. Then there is the OMB which costs us all millions a will undoubtedly get you a project much worse than a pre-negotiated agreement would have. Development is a fact of city life, work towards a win win solution for all sides or you will get little if anything.

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