The American alcohol recently pulled from LCBO shelves has already been paid for, LCBO officials confirmed.
Readers reached out to Village Media wondering whether or not American alcohol was purchased on a consignment basis – meaning U.S. companies would be paid after their alcohol is sold through the LCBO.
In a statement to Village Media, however, the LCBO confirmed its American alcohol inventory has been purchased outright.
“Products available in store or online have been purchased by the LCBO,” says the LCBO statement. “Products will be stored until further notice.”
Although the current inventory has been paid for, it will stay off LCBO shelves in light of the ongoing, flip-flopping tariff threats on Canadian goods by U.S. President Donald Trump.
Last week, Premier Doug Ford said over $1 billion in American alcohol is sold through the LCBO annually.
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Who gives a d..m, the liquor won’t go bad, the bigger picture should be what the concerns center around. The tariff issue will dwarf the puny cost of what ends up in storage or what little might go bad in the case of wine or beer. Find something else to gripe about!
I was shopping at a grocery store in Orillia yesterday and guess what; they had a wide selection of both American wines and beer (not the 0% stuff) on sale. Did their home offfice not get the memo or their stock of red flag labels to put on Canadian products