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Barrie Don

Member since: Nov, 2020

Barrie Boy supporting local community

0 Classifieds 34 Comments 1 Endorsement

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Obituaries |

Barrie Don commented

Dr Fisher was truly, one of a kind, a very remarkable individual.

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COLUMN: It's time for Ontario to mandate winter tires

COLUMN: It's time for Ontario to mandate winter tires

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

I agree with Grouchy. I have driven over 2 million miles, up to 80k kilometers/year through severe winter weather. I've never had snow tires. My sense is that a lot of snow tire users expect to drive as usual throughout the year? In addition to maintaining control, all season tire users need to replace tires on a more frequent basis. In my case, I replaced my all season tires every two years (100k km) in the fall.

6 6 1

Numbers show Barrie's ASE cameras putting the brakes on speeders

Numbers show Barrie's ASE cameras putting the brakes on speeders

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

I found the whining ticket recipients complaining about the cameras in Barrie Today amusing. Great to see some speeders are finally getting the message and slowing down.

3 1 0

Questions floating around mystery dock at Barrie's waterfront

Questions floating around mystery dock at Barrie's waterfront

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

What is the cost to have discussions at all the agencies about who has jurisdiction over a barge?

5 2 0

Barrie library officials bite back on council's spending restrictions

Barrie library officials bite back on council's spending restrictions

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

I watched the Council discussion on YouTube which contrasts this story. To bad the library Board Chairman and the CEO weren't on hand at Council last night for the discussion. Now Barrie taxpayers will be exposed months of bickering over the summer in true Barrie fashion.

10 2 0

Make it four: Barrie on the verge of doubling speed-camera zones

Make it four: Barrie on the verge of doubling speed-camera zones

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

I watched the discussion on this item. A couple of folks reached-out to Councillor Harvey, complaining about receiving multiple tickets in school zones and not being able to pay the fee. What part don't these people get? In my opinion they should be retested for their license on the road and written test. I am disappointed the Councillor was empathetic, especially with multiple violations.

3 6 0

‘Head scratcher’: Lobbyist calls for spirits in grocery stores

‘Head scratcher’: Lobbyist calls for spirits in grocery stores

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

Not a great idea to make a level 1 carcinogen more available.

1 2 0

City's homelessness plan called 'undemocratic' and 'mean'

City's homelessness plan called 'undemocratic' and 'mean'

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

Mr Bruton - I presume these bylaws are reviewed by the City attorney? Therefore, it is quite proper for Council to approve. I agree with others, action needs to be taken.

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City's panhandling ban harms the unhoused, says homeless man

City's panhandling ban harms the unhoused, says homeless man

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

The organized crime operators behind Central & South Ontario panhandling need to be dealt with.

6 3 0

'Shocked': Councillors react to bus threats around homeless plan

'Shocked': Councillors react to bus threats around homeless plan

Local News |

Barrie Don commented

Panhandling is a subsector of organized crime. The people panhandling about Barrie also work the cloverleafs of Kitchener-Waterloo. I first noticed this in October 2018, comparing dashcam footage on consecutive days shot in Barrie & KW. Barrie is taking the correct approach but really needs to get tougher like Daytona Beach on panhandling. While visiting Connecticut & New York last week, I did not see any panhandlers.

8 1 0


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