Free thinking person who calls it as it is
These radicals are causing a traffic nightmare by how they are parking along a small dirt curb. Someone is going to get hurt if this nonsense does NOT stop.
The next I drive by there and they are there I'm going to stop and lay on my just to annoy those entitled, self serving individuals.
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Why does the City wait so long to deal with a major problem? I can't wait for the list of lawsuits against the City for their neglect on this street. Any decent lawyer will bring up all the studies and indexes to prove their client is entitled to compensation.
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The Mayor needs to resign. We, as citizens, need to show we will not tolerate this. We need to organise a protest outside Orillia City Hall and the Mayor's residence. Let's do this people!!!!
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So I am guessing we will here about a lawsuit filed against the owner and management of this mall for several reasons. I am getting the feeling that ownership wants to run the mall into the ground so they can do renovictions and rebuild the mall into something more. They must be thinking about a high-rise building with ground floor shopping in the future.
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All that money spent on building a 'state of the art ' school, only to have it shut down due to fluctuating power issues......goes to show you that modern doesn't translate into reliable.
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What would beautify the Downtown would be to get rid of the criminal homeless population that overtakes the area and keep them away. Then you would have a beautiful Downtown.
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This should not be happening in Elementary schools. It's WRONG!!! Who are the so-called educated adults who are even letting this happen. Elementary students have no REAL grasp of the socio economic aspects of this and should not be indoctrinated into this. Very bad decision Administrators!!!!
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The Admin here should not be crying about having to cut programs. They were a HUGE abuser of the failed Liberal program that should not have been even instituted. They were very short sited to even think that the gravy train they were riding was going to last. I'm glad that international students have been cut back as it gives ONTARIO students a better chance of being accepted over someone who is only coming here for a diploma they don't want and s free card into Canada.
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Trust NONE of the candidates. They have no experience and should not even be running. It all comes down to what the Ministry of Health decided anyways. Right minister Jones has all the say and she is not willing to budge on this issue.
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No listings have been posted by Runaway Maverick
Just let them build ----the Ontario government will allow it anyways so there is no point in fighting ----wr have to deal with Ford and his minions for 4 years....
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