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Poll results:

What party would you vote for if a federal election was held today?

16755 total votes   Added

Conservative 6776 votes 40.44%
Liberal 6805 votes 40.61%
Green 881 votes 5.26%
NDP 1331 votes 7.94%
PPC 563 votes 3.36%
Other 399 votes 2.38%
Comments 122

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Conservatives platform includes restoring sex based protections for women, and banning males from women's sports.

Canada first policies. Ending wasteful foreign aid and putting homeless, marginalized and poverty stricken Canadians first.

ending the harmful drug policies. Actually having borders and curtailing mass immigration.
Dealing with trans=national organized crime.

My whole family will be voting Conservative
Time to put Canada first! LG Canada!

Duke Nukm

Absolutely right. I think Canadians are finally waking up to the raping and pillaging that’s been happening to Canada in the last nine years!!

Sunshine74 Verified

Is transgender people competing in sports really an issue ? If that's bothering your your worried about the wrong 1%.

Let’s remember who’s giving Pierre his talking points:

His chief strategist Jenni Byrne – a lobbyist for Galen Weston and Loblaw

His Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman – who helped for-profit care homes protect their profits while vulnerable seniors died in huge numbers during the pandemic

His Caucus Chair Scott Reid – Chairman of Giant Tiger who voted against a national school food program so that his company could keep bringing in billions in profits

The Conservative National Council – his party’s governing body – is stacked with lobbyists for oil and gas giants, pharmaceutical companies, and anti-union activists

The Corporate Lobbyists for banks, telecoms, real estate investors, and oil companies who Poilievre hosts at cash-for-access events across the country

Transgenders or Transnationals ? Which is a bigger actual threat to your average Canadian ?


Sunshine74 - we can all list PMO staffers - Katie Telford and Gerald Butts and other politicians in the Liberal NDP party and list all the things we disagree with them on, what conspiracy theories we've heard of them or list our personal emotions about them all.

Your list of hypotheticals, conspiracies and ideological differences with the Conservatives are not compelling by any means


Women & Girls Rights, Protections, Opportunities in life
If I had to choose a single issue vote topic. This is it.

Not surprisingly enough in radical progressive woke 2025 Canada. This wasn't even listed on the "issues facing you this election" options in the latest poll.

I bet Village Media / political left don't want that answer published.


@Sunshine74 - please share source of all your statements to prove truth.
I checked out a couple and could not find any confirmation of your statements.

V. Cates

I think Mark Carney would be a strong leader and not make good decisions.

Stewart Millar
Stewart Millar

All I need is good health care. Conservatives can't get it done..bye...bye


Health care is provincial.


which is under conservatives. Do you think they will get the same health transfers under Poilievre when he says he wants to cut spending?


Stewart Miller giving us a dictionary worthy political example of a non sequitur


Every pie in the sky utopian world of ever flowing money printed for everyone all the time world promised to you by the New Liberal Democrat coalition government program will fail.

Every single one. They've been failing right in front of us for 9 years straight. They promised to fix housing 8 years ago and spent billions. And the situation has become demonstrably worse. Everything in Canada has become worse under the New Liberal Democrat coalition government

All they do is spend money and make us all poorer. They waste all our time and money with doomed to fail unrealistic dream scale projects.

Do you get it yet?
STOP voting for New Liberal Democrat socialist coalition governments.

Sudbury wastes their votes on NDP & Liberal every election.
I was naive enough in my youth to vote NDP, ignorant enough to vote liberal last time around.

Never again.

Sudbury; stop voting to be a pair of have-not ridings!!!


A vote for PP is a vote to be annexed....

Jrmp Verified

Don't know at this time.... certainly don't want conversative, liberal...??, Green don't know who is running, NDP...equally don't know who is running....!...Got any others?

Marilyn Corbett

If we had ProportionalRepresentation, my vote would have been for the NDP.


P. P. Sides with Trump, not one PC MP has denounced Trumps annexation fantasies, so vote for a Prime Minister not a President. Oh and every Liberal and NDP MP has


Every leftist all angry at Trump and thinking that saying Trump is bad and that Conservatives and Poilievre are bad for having aligning goals; never stop to think that 77% of Canadians want the same things.

Every executive order that has been out, everything Trump's administration has done. Perfect for Canada

Remember, the 25% blanket tariff was only an "or else" message. 77% of Canadians want an election to deal with the very things Trump threatened that tariff on.

Other trade disputes / negotiations. Trump is working for America first. You Liberals are going to hate him no matter what I get it, but he's putting his country first. I wish our government did that. hasn't in over a decade.

P.S. " not one PC MP has denounced Trumps annexation fantasies," is a blatant LIE. Easily debunked through 1 thumb scroll of X posts or listening to even 1 media event from them.

Eddy Langlois

Pollieve living on tax payers for most of his adult life.No work life experience just blames everyone. Not a leader especially when we need someone who's has a proven tract record of not blame but concrete action and plan.

John MacVicar

There is no one who is dedicated to making the country a better place for the average citizens of Canada of whom I have been made aware.

PJ Frink
PJ Frink

In the United States, 7% of the population works for the federal government. In Canada, that number is 25%, and that's only at the FEDERAL level. No wonder why so many people are up in arms that our next government is going to be Conservative at both the federal and provincial levels.

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Barrie or other areas.